Want expatriate can be a matter of choice, motivation, financial opportunity and even a tax strategy. The physical expatriation may be (you change your residence tax) or financial (you only move your assets).
note, in this second choice is the benefit rather than financial tax because the tax depends in most cases the taxpayer's residence . It will also
before any decision is taken fully understand the fiscal impacts check-out and possibly optimize .
A matter of choice and opportunity
the Unknown can of course be a matter of choice (choices change your life, boost his career by becoming detached or expatriate, to spend a pleasant retreat , ...). But expatriation is above all a family project. Do not underestimate the psychological or the materiality of everyday life.
If you go away for long and family, it is necessary to discuss at length in advance so that it is part of the project and not just follower. More than 2 / 3 of returns due to poor integration of the spouse in the new country of assignment.
A tax strategy
- For business leaders:
Most tax treaties signed by France has the effect of making taxable capital gains from sale of securities in the country where the "taxpayer" transfer his tax residence.
The transfer, by the manager, his home personal tax before the sale of the company in a country that ignores the tax on capital gains from securities ( Belgium and Switzerland particular), or which imposes less heavily on capital gains, can be a strategic financial point of view.
An example: Belgium
The tax treaty between France to Belgium provides that a taxpayer domiciled in a Contracting State is only taxed in that State. Gains and professional securities are exempt in Belgium (with exceptions), an expatriate before transfer, allow the entrepreneur to overcome the taxation of capital gains he made in France. - For employees:
The use of local tax laws may be an important argument in the choice of country of expatriation. Thus
Singapore, Hong Kong or London places are highly valued for the strategies to implement. Into the Unknown
London example you will benefit from the rule of remittance basis, you tax exemption on much your income.
Finally, finish with a little optimism and chauvinism ... France has recently implemented a new tax law on expatriation encouraging feedback on the territory.
course these strategies should be followed by legal professionals may find yourself with the opposite effect of double taxation!