Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bubble Dress Directions

Workshop of March 4, 2011

You will find here
entrainment 17 to download. Atelier 17 has focused on deals played in the importance of fighting for the partial TPP and have a good system to work on the Open 1NT. If you want to know more the response system called WHOSE (English acronym for Disturb Opponent No Trump) you have the full memo and a slideshow contained in the right part of the Blog. We will return in a subsequent workshop. Good week to all and if you happen in a moment of discouragement to ask why you spend so much time working on the bridge for meager results, read the article Michel Franckland on the benefits of the bridge and especially paragraph from the end
L e bridge meets a ; deeper need light , this set of numbers, colors, hiérarchiecomplexe that evokes the desire to order the world to find him a bit like signification.Un Pythagorean, the bridge is a cosmogony. cebeau Listen text and Kelsey Ottlik in Adventuresin card play :
"a real bridge player is like a child"
"Well, it is the nature of del'homme be curious. A child can not stop asking "Why?" nor can he stop breathing. And the real player bridgeest as a child. Once he has glimpsed the beauty amazing of this game, he is forced to learn everything there is to know about it. quality make good in a particular Maind bridge is that it is a fragment of human experience, unetranche of reality that, unlike most things in life can be completely understood. We can grasp its significance larelier a broader scheme of reality, discern its harmony, there introduireun order. The bridge meets a small part of our urgent need previous. Really, we play bridge and are looking for the same reason queDylan Thomas gave when asked why he wrote poetry: "For Some measure of light." If we try to explain more avantnotre fascination bridge, we stopped by the barrier dulangage. Because bridge, in a sense, as the act of love - its délicesdoivent be experienced personally. How could anyone expect qu'unprofane understand the sweet torment of being extended to the wee hours of matinpendant your mind tries to find new ways to succeed lecontrat of 3 no trump last night.
When a fathom is interesting, is its inherent mystery that draws us , not so much that was saconclusion triumph or tragedy, suddenly gloss or blunder. "

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dry Mouth When Sleeping Solution

Taxation in Germany

In Germany, the couple may decide to be taxed jointly or separately. In case of joint taxation, a single return is filed for the entire year, as is the case now in France with the disappearance
multiple statements since 1 January 2011.
However, unlike their French counterparts, partners can make joint statement. Their non-recognition of tax on IR is a topical issue and could be declared unconstitutional

The general principle of taxation in Germany

The family quotient system does not exist. Instead, a system of allowances (a basic allowance for each child of 2,184 € in 2010 and special deductions for childcare, for a single parent's child
, etc..) And deductions (tuition, alimony, etc.)..
income is taxed at progressive rates divided into four tranches and those below € 8,004 are not taxed (cons a threshold of € 5,963 in France).
The marginal tax bracket is 45% for incomes over € 250,731, while in France it is lower (41%), but applies when income exceeds € 70,830.
There is a withholding tax on wages paid in Germany (about 1/12th of taxable income predicting), sent directly by the employer to the tax authorities.

tax on capital

There are more German tax on capital since 2007, it having been declared unconstitutional in its fashion statement.
The law establishing the tax has not been repealed but suspended. Other taxes

There is no tax shelter in Germany, but instead a property tax is levied.
The rate of corporation tax is 15%, which is added to the solidarity surcharge and trade tax.
The rate of VAT, almost equivalent to the French rate is 19%

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Danby Microwave Keeps Beeping

Fwd: [AMAP Saint Simon] Dairy on Tuesday!

For your info

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Vernusse Roman" \u0026lt;@ Romain.VERNUSSE >
Date: February 14, 2011 1:38:45 p.m. CET
Subject: [AMAP Saint Simon] Dairy on Tuesday!


If possible ... gentle reminder to move your amapiens to visit the dairy farmers tomorrow at St. Simon.

Thank you

AMAP St. Romain Simon

-------- Original Message --------


small reminder to tell you that this Tuesday, Bert-Jan and Marie Therese dairy cow breeders Cerizol Ariege will present on Tuesday during the distribution of vegetable Christine and Laurent.
Presentation of their products and their project, tasting milk, cheese white, yogurt, Tomme and some direct sales to interested parties ... All this for mounting the new AMAP should be born around April ...

All this will happen at Martine at 44 bis Monlong path between 18h and 19h30!
For information for tomorrow and for the assembly of this future AMAP

Nice day to all and tomorrow
