Saturday, May 29, 2010

Eadible Wrapping Paper

May 28, 2010

The workshop date has presented a comparison of two small defense systems available to the player No. 3 after intervention natural color of the player No. 2 and an opening 1NT's No. 1 player. The Lebensohl is the best known of the two systems. It is widespread and has enjoyed a greater distribution than Rubensohl. Without wishing to launder black one and the other, I would simply say that the Lebensohl is a coherent system that works well and easy to remember. The Rubensohl is a slightly more efficient because it allows to describe more accurately a larger number of types of hands. As such, it includes development and therefore requires more elaborate preparation work. It is therefore more suitable players to compete and regular partnerships. You will find here the 4 slides in PDF format summarizing defense systems against non-alerted the Counter (standard system and SOS which) and an outline of Lebensohl Rubensohl.Pour and further study, you will find here a file comprising an extract of an article by Alain Levy on Rubensohl and an excerpt from an article by Michel Bessis on these two conventions. Here is a link to the special folder Play Bridge on Rubensohl. . attached the drive 30.
good week all.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Right Hand 18 Number Arabic

Workshop May 21, 2010

During the Workshop, 21 May, we began an overview of all defenses against intervention on opening 1NT. These interventions are increasingly common today, and an effective partnership must have prepared a defense. We started with the intervention by a counter, either artificial (SINGLE indeterminate, two-tone heart and a minor etc ...) or punitive damages and as such not alerted. We will study the natural defenses against intervention and intervention with a small artificial comparative Lebensohl and Rubensohl.
You will find here entrainment 29, which includes the end of the Test on defense against the cons not alerted about opening 1NT and plugs the Ring Auction practiced hands Atelier.les TSE the hands of West and auction corrected, prepared by Gérard Saurel and I have completed. Have a good week.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Best Hd Camcorder For Your Bucks

Workshop May 14, 2010

few smiles in this photo of the women who defend our colors at the next European Championships in Ostend in June .
left to right in photo:
Bénédicte Cronier , Daniele Gaviard , Véronique Bessis , Catherine Dovidio, Sylvie Willard and Johanna Neve .

A nod to the convention SSA D stands for Smile Sweetly Smile sweetly after disaster or after a disaster. An agreement to enter urgently on all our sheets Conventions. It comes from the Australian Champion Peter Gil (right in photo). Our World Champions were able to put into practice in their qualifier, some beautiful disasters in the auction does not prevent them having to win their match and qualify. Ah yes, the psychological aspect is ubiquitous in the Bridge because unlike chess, you can not win alone. There is no point in being good himself, he should try to play well or the Partner team. We have already discussed the theme of partnership in a previous workshop.
Regarding the teams, I recommend you read the following entitled "Things I Have Learned .... Sort of " they are only good advice to practice for the team play better together. At the Workshop, 14 May, we tried to put into practice the principle of simplicity the auction. What is the information that I need to find the right contract, what question can give me that information? We must remember that the sole purpose of bidding is reaching the best contract and for that you need dialogue by asking the right questions. Sometimes, only one of two players has the key sequence and it is for him to directly ask the right question.
When your partner opens in first position, all vulnerable, low-2P, the No. 2 player pass and as you gaze across the following game
you are well on your fingers lifted 13 s it has R & D of Spades 6th. So you ask the question 5SA *, Josephine Convention, and as the partner-in-hand with Spades RDV983 7P responds and you eat! Simple and tasteful as always Michel Bessis said. Unfortunately this principle of simplicity has missed the player to the other room who first used the bid 2NT * (relay) and got the answer 3T * (one room to Clover) . She asked the Blackwood and the response of a key, not knowing if it was AT or PR, it has concluded that small slam. I played yesterday and Interclub our opponents have put into practice this principle so beautiful simplicity in the next shot!
1P 2P 2C
5SA * 7P
The Dead, the questioner 5SA * (if you have two big honors you put Pique 7P) spreads
He scored in the auction: 5 of Spades lifted (if his partner has spades full) + 5 levees Heart (sharing the most common color being 4-3, he cut a heart lifted to free 5) + Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Clubs + (or King of tile) + a cup of Clover is short hand for 13 tricks! For the record, the Registrant was chicane Heart, but the Hearts were 4-3 and many strengths 3-2, good lesson in efficiency. Download here 28 training and good week to all

Saturday, May 8, 2010

How To Make Red Bull Daiquiris

Workshop May 7th, 2010

When all points of defense are concentrated in the same hand the defender's task is made easier. It is easier to count the tricks of a defense and those of the Registrant. If, as in the training data 26, it appears, looking at the Death, that the Registrant is the favorite to 9 tricks, waiting is more appropriate. The race has begun and the time to advance given by the start (start of Ace, often called periscope starts because it lets you see the death and take action accordingly) should be utilized lifted to open his own camp.

In this deal, the whole weight of the defense rests on the player WEST. He knows that his partner has nothing and therefore knows all the honors of the Registrant. He sees that will rid South 2 (or 3) Heart lifted to move its capital to 9 tricks (2P +1 T +2 C +4 K). He has a head start and must use to open 2 tricks to Pique. The return of King of Spades is nothing "magic". This is the logical result of a work account. I emphasize the word work , because this is actually a "work". A time when the defender is focused entirely on foreign account (points, in raising the Declarant, in raising the defense). It's his "job", but it certainly is easy to be or slightly lazy routine at the table! (see below: a bridge player in pause mode!)
Make no mistake, the results of a bridge player can not be measured or the thickness of the sheet Conventions nor the figure of his rank but in large part to its ability to mobilize on each hand to perform his work conscientiously for reflection, whether or Declaring defender! You will find here the drive 27. Have a good week.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Groin Swelling After Heart Cath

Stomach Intestines

Contrat Creative Commons
Meli-Melo by Amelie Guilleminot is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported . Based
(e) on a work blog.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be obtained .

Small Decorative Sailboat

Contrat Creative Commons
Meli-Melo by Amelie Guilleminot is available under the terms of the license Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported . Based
(e) on a work blog.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be obtained .

Implantation Bleeding With Pieces

The Heart

Contrat Creative Commons
Meli-Melo by Amelie Guilleminot is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported . Based
(e) on a work blog.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be obtained .

When Does The Bmi Get Dangerous

Contrat Creative Commons
Meli-Melo by Amelie Guilleminot is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported . Based
(e) on a work blog.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be obtained .