Saturday, May 8, 2010

How To Make Red Bull Daiquiris

Workshop May 7th, 2010

When all points of defense are concentrated in the same hand the defender's task is made easier. It is easier to count the tricks of a defense and those of the Registrant. If, as in the training data 26, it appears, looking at the Death, that the Registrant is the favorite to 9 tricks, waiting is more appropriate. The race has begun and the time to advance given by the start (start of Ace, often called periscope starts because it lets you see the death and take action accordingly) should be utilized lifted to open his own camp.

In this deal, the whole weight of the defense rests on the player WEST. He knows that his partner has nothing and therefore knows all the honors of the Registrant. He sees that will rid South 2 (or 3) Heart lifted to move its capital to 9 tricks (2P +1 T +2 C +4 K). He has a head start and must use to open 2 tricks to Pique. The return of King of Spades is nothing "magic". This is the logical result of a work account. I emphasize the word work , because this is actually a "work". A time when the defender is focused entirely on foreign account (points, in raising the Declarant, in raising the defense). It's his "job", but it certainly is easy to be or slightly lazy routine at the table! (see below: a bridge player in pause mode!)
Make no mistake, the results of a bridge player can not be measured or the thickness of the sheet Conventions nor the figure of his rank but in large part to its ability to mobilize on each hand to perform his work conscientiously for reflection, whether or Declaring defender! You will find here the drive 27. Have a good week.


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