Thursday, December 30, 2010

Catolic Arm Band Tattoos

expatriates will pay more for their retirement

AFP news

The French expatriates will pay more from January 1, 2011 redemption of quarters spent abroad for their retirement because of a change of scale provided by Article 72 of the Finance Act Social Security (Social Security Budget Act) in 2010.

The current schedule, the French far enjoyed from abroad, will be aligned with the redemption of years of study, which is financially less favorable, information including the daily Le Monde echoed Tuesday .

Redemption of quarters from the National Insurance old age (CNAV) reduces the effect of the discount on the amount of their pension or advance their age of retirement by increasing their annuities. The French expatriates

dependent on the law social situation where they are, but they can if they wish, contribute to the Social Security Fund for French Nationals Abroad (CFE). On

about 2 million French expatriates, about 100,000 are members of the fund, half of which (46,820) pay into the pension scheme, according to figures from the CFE.

The redemption price of a quarter spent abroad will increase in proportion of which varies depending on the age of the insured and its income level.

Thus, a French 50, whose annual income exceeds 35,352 euros, payable in approximately 2010 1,400 euros to buy back a quarter abroad, while the same would cost over 3,000 euros for a semester.

Another change must affect expatriates. A draft decree submitted by the management of Social Security to the CFE which reveals on its website, plans to increase from 15.9 to 16.65% contribution rate to the voluntary pension insurance.

The draft decree, whose signature is expected before the end of the year, replaces the condition of French nationality by a condition of membership for five years prior to a compulsory insurance scheme French disease.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Alice Academy Myanimelist

Expatriate ... looking for a bank?

If you go on expatriation or detachment, your employer will certainly recommend a local bank with which you can open a foreign currency account or convertible local currency to facilitate your banking. Some banks even offer the opening of France since account abroad (eg HSBC).

It is important to know that waiting to open an account abroad, you can use your international credit card (Visa Card, Eurocard Mastercard, or American Express card) in shops and vending machines in your host country.

means of payment

The debit card allows withdrawals and payments distributors retailers . The credit card uses a refundable credit reserve rate. To make Internet purchases, the credit card is often essential abroad: Canada, Turkey, Singapore ... Moreover, the debit card does not always exist, it is not available in Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, for example

The checkbook is often not used abroad or even slightly accepted by merchants. Sometimes it can be ordered only when the account is fed (New Zealand, USA)

Some examples ...


The debit card can be backed at an individual account, it is not possible to issue a credit card on a joint account. The transactions are mainly in cash. The checkbook is but must be completed in Chinese ...


Debit card deferred debit does not exist, it only works in direct debit and is used within the available balance. For the deferred debit, it should order a credit card. The checkbook is not (primarily cash transaction). Means Payment can not be mailed, they are given that agency.


not debit card, the Checkbook is available in English and Japanese. No payment is issued, until the customer does not qualify as "resident".


Cheques are rarely used.

Warning Network, French Visa cards are not accepted in vending in Canada that depend on the MasterCard network.

Australia :

Cheques are accepted by very few traders

means of payment are available one month after being ordered from the agency.


In most cases, the debit card system is provided "Pay Pass" for make purchases in stores without signature and code.


It is impossible to retain the payment to the agency, they will be sent to the permanent address or address in Singapore.


A transfer of money overseas returns generally more expensive than a simple transfer from bank to bank. These fees vary depending on destination, amount and the institution selected.

What you need to do the transfer?

bank details (RIB) for a domestic transfer or IBAN (International bank details) for an international transfer - in order to identify your bank account or your recipient

Or ...

BIC (Bank Identifier Code), the code identifies your bank or your recipient. The BIC has been adopted by the International Organization for Standardization ISO. ISO has entrusted Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication: the role of SWIFT BIC codes and save this publication. For this reason, the CIO is often called SWIFT code. SWIFT has existed since 1973 and offers its participants a proprietary network on which it ensures the speed, security, privacy and inviolability of trade.

careful though ...


remittances are regulated either to or from the Brazilian account. Internet, the limit is $ 3,000 per day. Moreover, the number of transfers and the total monthly are limited, in fact, it is not possible to make more than 3 transfers per month, and the maximum total amount can not exceed $ 9,000 / month. Beyond that, it is possible to make transfers into an agency, but the client must be present to sign the "contract exchange" document showing the exchange rate applied to the transfer.


At the bank, the French expatriate is considered "nonresident" because he did not Russian nationality. It is then submitted to the Exchange Control. The reason for the transfer and the OT code are very important and should be mentioned. VO code is a code corresponding to an exchange transaction pattern (one hundred code exists). The concordance between the ground and the OT code is essential for the proper execution of the transfer. Do not hesitate to consult his adviser on the spot.


It is impossible to make international transfers to another person via the Internet.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Maintain Color In Preserved Fruit

January 7, 2011 Workshop December 17, 2010

You will find here the drive 10 to download for Friday, January 8.
is the story of a deal ..

Meanwhile, you have hopefully had a good Christmas in the Snow or sun, the essential being of course to have made an energetic start to another year of bridge. At the workshop, 17 December, we commented on the deal of all days of training 9. The important points are to make a clear distinction between the cons and cons Wake sandwich (when one of the two opponents did not limit his hand) and to always seek out the opponents of their level of security (Fit the eighth stage of 2) by taking the most space possible.C is an objective of the 3C bid in the sequence below.
1T passe1C password
2C 3C password

Fit 3C anti gun wake
Bid 3C is called "anti clock" because it makes it harder to wake up against the opponents have to bid to tier 3. It is justified by the presence of a 9th asset in a limited hand and below the area of Proposed Channel.
As much, and it is an important theme of the workshop, it must be assets in competitive auctions (take the space, occur as soon as possible with distributed sources Fits hands, give a bright start, block opponents to force them to begin their dialogue at high level) as much, you should know happen when his play does not lend itself not (poins weakness of honor, length in opposing colors, poor color quality, unfavorable vulnerability etc ...) and do not take an argument that the risk of leaving playing partner .... ! This is of course a very bad reason. First and crucially, because this partner is that you have chosen and it is as aware as you of the importance of fighting for discovering a partial made. Trust him, he will counter with alarm whenever he has the opportunity. If you talk to rhyme, he will lose confidence in your bids and later ... you. The Pass Partner in a competitive situation is also eloquent one of his enchères.Il gives strength at each auction, when they are done freely. Whenever the partner talks while he spent the first round or in the second round, pull in all inferences. In the sequence
password 1T 1C X 2C password
The TSE is an appeal against the same point value that H cons call direct.Il cons is a sandwich, not limited South his hand. IS has not been overcome in the first round only because he was short in Coeur.
During this workshop, we completed the study defenses against semi dams after a major opening. The exercises and training data have enabled us to bid goodbye Recontre and value of Fits major competitive.
I conclude by thanking Gérard Saurel we moved following his chronicle of a participant ateliers.Il deals Workshops 5, 6 and 7. You will find this text on the right side of this blog In the list of documents and slideshows, as well as the first story, that of Workshops 1-4 . You will also find in this list of papers, write a template for a deal. If you want to send me a deal to comment, but please do it from this model. See you soon

Friday, December 17, 2010

Leroi Compressor 125 Djd

"The sound of silence"

Contrat Creative Commons
Meli-Melo by Amelie Guilleminot is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported . Based
(e) on a work blog.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be obtained .

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Quote Front Of Book

Amendment to the Franco-Swiss August 27, 2009 What

The amendment of 27 August 2009 at the Convention Franco-Swiss, including a clause that inserts information exchange according to the latest standards OECD has just been published. It entered into force November 4, 2010.

Indeed, the president of the Confederation of Switzerland Hans-Rudolf Merz and Christine Lagarde, French Minister of Economy signed on August 27 in Bern the addendum to the agreement against double taxation ( DTA) with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital.

The new amendment also contains a provision on the exchange of information from the OECD standard that has been negotiated in accordance with reference values decided by the Federal Council.

This endorsement replaces the January 12, 2009.

addition to extending administrative assistance, negotiations with France have other adaptations.

Among other issues, the rule amendment in particular the tax treatment of capital benefits from the second pillar provided to beneficiaries residing in France and the authority to invoke the double taxation agreement for institutions foresight allows them to obtain a reduction of withholding tax on dividends and interest.

With the introduction of a clause in the fight against abuse, the amendment signed now offers solutions that are more favorable to the Swiss economy. Finally, the Commission revised now contains an arbitration clause.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mysore Mallige Guys Prithviraj And Chetna Story

Bath session

Contrat Creative Commons
Meli-Melo by Amelie Guilleminot is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported . Based
(e) on a work blog.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be obtained .

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What Is The Cost Of Red Label In Hyderabad

Workshop December 10, 2010

You will find here drive at No. 9 télécharger.J 'I added the exercise "Small heat" contained in the Memorandum of 9.Nous workshop were unable to treat him Friday because the statement was wrong (an unfortunate cut and paste!). During the workshop 9, we have reviewed the bidding sequences of training 8 and in particular the auction Major 5 in which, when there is intervention, request stop in the Partner that color to play a slam.
For example, I quote Alain Levy:

"In all sequences where the opponent has shown, the opening or intervention , 5 for the most imperative demand is a control that color. Example:

AV ♠ 9 8 7
June 8

South West North East
X        -       4♠      -
5 ♠ *
We discussed protection against small dams after opening minors. defenses after a major opening will be processed during the last workshop this year, 2010, December 17.
The image of the painting, above, with more and less symbolizes points Key competitive bidding.
In column most: the distribution, the singleton in the opposing color, holding the royal color, taking space.
In the column under the steady hand, the Quacks (contraction and Jack Queen, Queens and Jacks in English) extensive in the opposing color. These lists are closed and we will have the opportunity to come back.
I remind you that under research partners, is open on the site Clairebridge. Check there and if you're interested, contact me by email The text of your ad.
good week.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Pokemon Silver Pokemon List


You will find enclosed the schedule of upcoming distributions from January 1 to March 31, 2011.

I also remind you, as agreed in the contract: there will be no distribution of vegetables on the following dates:

- December 29

- January 5

- January 12

- February 23


Catherine Lopez

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sample Community Service Template

reductions Tax for Expatriates? Living in French Polynesia

The French tax resident abroad are not subject to tax in France on their French source income (in respect of tax treaties).

Deficits French source may be charged on income or profits from French sources under the same conditions as residents of France.

However, loads of aggregate income are not deductible, unlike the treatment given to resident of France (Article 164 A of the General Tax Code).

In terms of tax cuts, the administration has explicitly stated that taxpayers domiciled outside France do not qualify:

- reducing employment tax of an employee at home;
- of reduction tax cost of care for young children;
- the tax reduction for hospitalization of dependents;
- the tax cut attached to gifts and grants;
- the capital subscription of Small and medium enterprises;
- the capital subscription of FCIC;
- school fees for dependent children;
- the deduction provided for investments in overseas territories made as of January 1 2001;
- ...

The principle of non-deduction of charges is often presented by the administration as having a broad and applies to all charges.

What can you use as "gains tax"? In
deficit land, this is comparable to what is practiced for a French tax resident.

Thus, you can benefit from the land deficit to the tune of 10,700 euros, the balance being carried forward over 10 years.

You could also make an investment or Robien Borloo and take advantage of the depreciation that reduce your income property.
Non-residents could benefit from the device when Périssol income housing they were acquired taxable in France under the category of land revenue.

Similarly, they receive tax cuts under the rental investments made in tourist homes located in areas classified as rural areas rural regeneration when income housing are taxable in France in the category real estate income (investment made before December 31, 2006).

By cons, you can not enjoy the advantage in Malraux Act, nor Scellier.

In terms of capital gains on securities, non-residents are always exempt from tax most value when it comes to securities (other than debt substantial shareholdings).

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Kelly Green And Black Ties

Workshop December 3, 2010

Philippe Cronier
Pique Color Royal
You will find here
training 8 to download for Friday, December 10 and a document format (PDF) containing sequences Bid in Workshop 7 on the theme of responses to interventions by a color change. This document was written by Gérard Saurel from these notes. I thank him warmly.
During the Workshop 8 December 3, we sought to identify what differentiates the auction to 4 auction taking place in the silent enemy . In essence, the importance of distributional factor . Here's what Philippe Cronier said: "The Bridge is a modern competitive space where we are if we do not speak at the slightest opportunity" and also "The first lesson of competitive bidding, is the undisputed primacy of the distributional aspect. What Alain Levy reflects on his side by the phrase "Take risks with distributed games, abandon the struggle, when in doubt, with hands flat. Singleton in the color of the dam is a decisive factor. In extreme situations , force your talent with a singleton or a chicane in the color of the opponent, do not fight with a steady hand "Take for example this gives played by Philippe and Bénédicte Cronier.

After opening in North 1T, would you intervene to 1P as Philip? If you want to exist in competitive auctions, I hope you answered Yes. Surely you do not give the start. With only 8 am, you are not favorites, either, to win a contract in your line, but you move to explore a possible winner in your sacrifice ligne.Vous have the spades, the so-called royal color, because that it takes more space to adversaries. You have a singleton in the other Major, two sources of Fit in a 5-4-3-1 distribution and two controls that an Ace. In addition, significant factor, vulnerability is favorable. Benedict contends 3P dam with 4 assets (no singleton, certainly, but no points lost in the colors short) -1 4PX and is an excellent result against 4C which always wins.
With distribution and favorable vulnerability, take the space to adversaries with the royal color must be part of your tactical arsenal. Observe that gives the European Championships in Pau. In the dining room opened, opponents in Norwegian North South 4C play and win without a problem. In a closed room, the player IS, Geir Hegelmo introduces a small grain of sand in the séquence.Munie of Spades and a little distribution (5-4-2-2) he bids to the sequence 1P.Et racing. To defend their sleeve vulnerable, French, Jean Christophe and Marc Quentin Bompas go to a 5C drop and 13 IMPs for the "bad" or rather wings.
You will find attached PDF , easier to print them, give these three slides.
Office Official Partner Search
Cartoon by Jude
To meet the demand of many of you, I thought dedicate a page of my website your search Partners. If you are looking to build or expand your partnership with a person or persons having the same goals as you progress, simply to play in Club competitions or do, send me an email ( detailing your I research and publish. If you wish to remain anonymous on the site, specify the internautres interested write to the head of the section (me) who will forward them. But remember, perfection is not of this world, what matters is whether what you want and what channel.
Girogio Belladonna
Marianne Serf
During the workshop, we discussed the great Italian Champion Giorgio Belladonna , the French champion, Marianne Serf and the great among the great champions Germany, Abina S Auken. Have a good week.