Philippe Cronier |
Pique Color Royal |
training 8 to download for Friday, December 10 and a document format (PDF) containing sequences Bid in Workshop 7 on the theme of responses to interventions by a color change. This document was written by Gérard Saurel from these notes. I thank him warmly.
During the Workshop 8 December 3, we sought to identify what differentiates the auction to 4 auction taking place in the silent enemy . In essence, the importance of distributional factor . Here's what Philippe Cronier said: "The Bridge is a modern competitive space where we are if we do not speak at the slightest opportunity" and also "The first lesson of competitive bidding, is the undisputed primacy of the distributional aspect. What Alain Levy reflects on his side by the phrase "Take risks with distributed games, abandon the struggle, when in doubt, with hands flat. Singleton in the color of the dam is a decisive factor. In extreme situations , force your talent with a singleton or a chicane in the color of the opponent, do not fight with a steady hand "Take for example this gives played by Philippe and Bénédicte Cronier.
After opening in North 1T, would you intervene to 1P as Philip? If you want to exist in competitive auctions, I hope you answered Yes. Surely you do not give the start. With only 8 am, you are not favorites, either, to win a contract in your line, but you move to explore a possible winner in your sacrifice ligne.Vous have the spades, the so-called royal color, because that it takes more space to adversaries. You have a singleton in the other Major, two sources of Fit in a 5-4-3-1 distribution and two controls that an Ace. In addition, significant factor, vulnerability is favorable. Benedict contends 3P dam with 4 assets (no singleton, certainly, but no points lost in the colors short) -1 4PX and is an excellent result against 4C which always wins.
With distribution and favorable vulnerability, take the space to adversaries with the royal color must be part of your tactical arsenal. Observe that gives the European Championships in Pau. In the dining room opened, opponents in Norwegian North South 4C play and win without a problem. In a closed room, the player IS, Geir Hegelmo introduces a small grain of sand in the séquence.Munie of Spades and a little distribution (5-4-2-2) he bids to the sequence 1P.Et racing. To defend their sleeve vulnerable, French, Jean Christophe and Marc Quentin Bompas go to a 5C drop and 13 IMPs for the "bad" or rather wings.
Office Official Partner Search Cartoon by Jude |
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Girogio Belladonna |
Marianne Serf |
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