You will find here drive at No. 9 télécharger.J 'I added the exercise "Small heat" contained in the Memorandum of 9.Nous workshop were unable to treat him Friday because the statement was wrong (an unfortunate cut and paste!). During the workshop 9, we have reviewed the bidding sequences of training 8 and in particular the auction Major 5 in which, when there is intervention, request stop in the Partner that color to play a slam.
For example, I quote Alain Levy:
"In all sequences where the opponent has shown, the opening or intervention , 5 for the most imperative demand is a control that color. Example:
AV ♠ 9 8 7
♥ June 8
♦ ARD 6
♣ AD
South West North East
1 ♥
X - 4♠ -
5 ♠ *
We discussed protection against small dams after opening minors. defenses after a major opening will be processed during the last workshop this year, 2010, December 17.
The image of the painting, above, with more and less symbolizes points Key competitive bidding.
In column most: the distribution, the singleton in the opposing color, holding the royal color, taking space.
In the column under the steady hand, the Quacks (contraction and Jack Queen, Queens and Jacks in English) extensive in the opposing color. These lists are closed and we will have the opportunity to come back.
I remind you that under research partners, is open on the site Clairebridge. Check there and if you're interested, contact me by email The text of your ad.
good week.
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