Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bubble On Baby's Penis

Pension rights abroad

detached or expatriate, what are the differences? click here>>

A departure abroad to exercise a professional activity whatsoever as expatriate status or status of detached, it is important to know his pension rights to prevent your period of work abroad are of working years lost.

A retirement pension is calculated over a period of full career.

If you have an "expatriate status" - You, you load your personal retreat.

If you have a "detachment status" - You will be affiliated to the French mandatory regimes.

A question on your tax expatriation?

You are an expatriate: you are covered by any French mandatory retirement. However you are not have to subscribe and contribute to the plan of social security pension or a supplemental plan. While the expatriate employee must for the future and his retirement check with the Fund for French Nationals Abroad and Expatriate Pension Fund.

to pension fund:
ARRCO The Association of Pension Plans.
The AGIRC General Association of Institutions of Nursing Executives.

You posted: your situation under the regime Old age does not change. Contributions are due, as calculated and paid for ordinary wages. The period of employment abroad will be validated for the liquidation of your retirement, it will be retained and taken into account as if you had remained in occupation in France. No right is lost, however


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