Thursday, January 27, 2011

Alice In Wonderland Monologues Alice


AMAP Poultry Pradettes of family tracing.

If you find a chicken every 3 weeks is too much for a commitment, remember that you can be in 2 families on a contract and alternate distributions (some families are already doing)

(email : )

Thanks to all Regards

Catherine Lopez

Attached is some info on AMAP Quick Poultry.

Deliveries are made every 3 weeks from the month of January with a schedule prepared in advance for 1 year. Distributions are Wednesday between 19:00 and 19:30 to crazy season. Chickens bred 'bare neck, will be delivered killed, plucked, gutted. The
cleaned gizzards and livers are provided.
The cost is about 9 euros a kilo, ie 18 euros chicken weight of 1.8 to 2.2 kg). The producer called

Patrick Prades and owns a farm of 30 hectares to Castelsarrasin.
Patrick Prades grows many types of grains (corn, wheat, soybeans mostly) that provides much of the power of his poultry.

It must however buy a complémentalimentaire protein soy Organic ensure a planned breeding. Patrick
AMAP also produces a poultry on the region of Moissac Montauban with about 30 members. In anticipation of our
AMAP purchase from the hatchery Grisolles every day-old chicks and that will become approximately 120 days in the future that we can eat chicken.


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