A new apple good plan will take place Wednesday, February 16.
You can get checks on Wednesday February 2 and 9.
The new compared to last time:
- Gala apples are replaced by Fuji apples (red)
- the price has fallen golden & # 233; to 0.95 €
We also chose to simplify the controls. Here's the procedure:
1) click on the link below to open the control panel
https: / / spreadsheets.google.com / ccc? 0AnUD_gTYw4bCdExCUkwyRHRjeU4yRkxQMldaQmNSd0E key = & hl = en & authkey = CNnajIAO
2) Fill the table
- include your full name
- for apples, indicate the number of pounds desired
- for juice apples and grapes, indicate the number of bottles
desired - make check payable to the amount that appears in the right column
- click top right on "register now"
- leave
3 ) Move the check 2 or Feb. 9
the steering
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