Friday, January 14, 2011

Weathertron To Hunter 44860

Workshop January 14, 2011

Bob Hamman
Here are the carriers 12 to download. At Workshop 12, we completed the test on the auction free of opener. At an upcoming workshop, we'll focus on the various auction free of opener and in particular, Cue bids and Cons. In four auction, where the contestants mingled dialogue and take up space, it is important to differentiate between purely a bid competitive when the opener announces bid-color high. Compare these two hands of the opener of a .
♠ A62 ♥ ♦ 3 ♣ 1082 ARV983
8 ♥ AD4 ♦ A87 ♣ ADV953
With the first hand, the reply of 1 Partner and intervention Player No. 4-2 , the opener can say 3 ♣ , promising a beautiful color sixth. Partner knows you do not have a very strong hand but he can count on an ace and 5 outside lifted and half in color. The bidding is competitive. With the hand No. 2, after opening a ♣ and partner response to 1 ♠ if the player comes at No. 4 2K, we must first address before announcing the Clovers. The Wonderful hand with 3 aces, it does not have lost points in the intervention, the Hearts are well placed behind the speaker and she has about 7 + + / 8 of play lifted
La France Champion du Monde 1956
Regarding the correction of the drive 12, we talked about Peter and his Ghestem system whose central theme concerns the orientation of the contract and reflection on the hand must receive the start.
You can read here the fundamentals of his system and see the photo 1956 (the 2nd from left, standing near the cross), where he won the World Championship Bridge with Bacherich Rene Robert Lattes, Pierre Jais Roger Trezel Pierre Ghestem, and Bertrand Romanet.
The Deal played in workshop served to remind the Rule 2 on clocks with hands dealt after opening 1NT, and clarify the rule Bob on No Trump contracts. : if a number of bids are available and one of 'em IS Three no-trump, that's what the bid which can be translated as "if among the logical alternatives of contract, is 3NT, so choose this contract."
Bob Hamman is a great track record speaks for itself champion.Son. If you can, one day read his book "At the Table . Beaucoup.Bonne We learn every week.


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